Saturday, September 22, 2012

Paci Love

I am aware of the hotly contested debate between the pro-pacifier parents and the anti-pacifier parents. So, during my pregnancy, I read many, many books and online articles about the benefits and/or cons of the debated binky.

Would you believe that every single one of the best selling baby books and the most updated baby articles gave the pacifier a big thumbs up? Yup, and here are the reasons...
*It has been found to reduce the risk of SIDS in newborns
*It can be a great calming tool for newborns
*It can help improve sucking in newborns

The common denominator in all of these facts was "in newborns." Yes, there were some parameters. The first was not to give a baby a pacifier until after breastfeeding had been established. Okay, that made sense and it totally worked for Cole. The second was to do away with the pacifier by the fourth or fifth month so that your child does not get too attached to it. Apparently the fourth or fifth month is when memory sets in so getting rid of a pacifier after that time frame would be decidedly more difficult.
Cole is pretty calm and easy going. However, he does have his moments and this week we tested out the pacifier for the first time. The hospital recommended this Avent brand for newborns and Cole took to it pretty well. He doesn't suck it for very long nor does he absolutely have to have it. But it does provide some soothing relief for him when he's upset and for that we'll take it! :)

His face in this pic cracks me up because he was experiencing the paci for the first time. Mr. Crinkle face was cautious at first, but then happily sucked away for a bit right after the first minute or so.

Living and learning from our house to yours!
Mommy A

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Auntie Love

Auntie Ruth is my Dad's younger sister. Today is her birthday. (yes, we have lots of September birthdays in our family! :) Auntie loves babies. Here she is holding Cole in the first 24 hours of his life. She spent many months of the earlier part of this year making a blanket for him, and it now sits proudly in his nursery.

My Auntie is a quiet, yet fierce person of faith who loves her family dearly. I remember growing up doing fun things like going to Wild Rivers, eating at the chicken place at Knott's Berry Farm and having photo shoots at her house with the cousins...she always took the time to invest in me in little and big ways. She still does today, even though her "little" niece is now in her 30s :).

Happy Birthday Auntie. I know that you may not like this semi-public profession of birthday wishes, but I couldn't help myself ;). You are beautiful and gracious and passionate about the things you care about. Thank you for being a great Auntie always. 

I love you!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Crinkle Face

Good news today everyone-Cole went to the doctor for his two week check up and his weight is up one pound and an ounce! Whoo-hoo! He's now a healthy 7 lbs., 10 oz. Not bad considering that at his first appointment two weeks ago he had dropped from his birth weight to 6 lbs., 9 oz. :( But thanks to good feeding on his part, he is now growing at a good and steady rate.
Here is Cole with his pediatrician, Dr. W. (See how happy he was to be there? ;) Not coincidentally, Dr. W was also Blane's pediatrician when he was growing up. They had to kick Blane out of the office at 21 because he outgrew the practice. Can you just see my husband in the waiting room with all the 5 and 7 year olds? Hahaha. (If you watch Friends, please join me in imagining the episode where Ross does the same thing with his pediatrician! AHAHAHA)
I'll leave you with a "Classic Cole" pic for today. He loves to crinkle his forehead and we often find him looking at us with this face. Blane is always telling him to "stop that" because he doesn't want him to get permanent wrinkles there. :)

Happy Wednesday from Crinkle face!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Grandpa's First

Today is Grandpa S's birthday. Here he is holding Cole for the first time at the hospital-his beaming face says it all doesn't it? :)
Blane's dad is so selfless and sacrificial for the ones he loves. We have been the beneficiaries of his selflessness time and time again. He works hard and you know that if he is doing something for you, that it will be done well and right, the first time. I appreciate how much he supports and loves on our family all the time.

So, for the first time ever...HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA!!!
We love you so much!

Aim for Blane and Cole too ;)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hello, Monday

Little guy was fussy today. I'm not sure why but it broke my heart to hear his little screams throughout this morning and afternoon. I was helpless to find a cure! It was with great relief when my Mom came over and helped me through the afternoon and finally too when Blane walked in the door tonight. Reinforcements for the win :)
Sad or happy, rain or shine, how can you not just fall in love with this face?

Love you little guy,
Mommy A

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Special Birthday

Today marks my dear Grandpa's 91st birthday. I am so blessed to have him in my life-how many 32 year olds do you know who still have their Grandpas to wish happy birthdays to? I am thankful that God has allowed me to have such a rich relationship with this special man.

My Grandpa is wise, kind and loving in his own way. He calls me every so often just to check in with me and see how I am doing. Sometimes he and Grandma will call me from their local Carrow's or Carl's Jr. as they are having dinner just to say hi and to tell me about the coffee and if it's good or not. Grandpa and I share a love of coffee :). 

In high school I took Japanese and I continued the study of the language in college. A big inspiration for that was my Grandpa, who has always encouraged me in my Japanese. One of my great memories was when he and Grandma took my sister, cousins and I to Japan after college and we traveled from Tokyo up to Hokkaido. I loved seeing the country with Grandpa, especially because I am always so in awe of his ability to speak and read/write the language! It was a trip of a lifetime and a memory that I will cherish forever.

Grandpa spent many, many decades in ministry, preaching at churches and leading our conference. He is one of the most faithful people that I know and I carry his legacy with me as I try to be just as faithful in my own ministry with the youth. I asked him once how to handle things when ministry and people get frustrating and his response was so gracious, so very him. He said, "Christ is the head of the church Aimee. Trust that God is sovereign and that He is leading." So simple, yet so wise and so full of truth. That's my Grandpa :)

In every conversation that we have, Grandpa never ceases to remind me that he and Grandma are praying for me, for Blane and now for Cole, daily. It brings tears to my eyes because I know that they really are praying for us-and that they are supporting us in their own way. I pray for them as well, everyday, that God would bring peace and joy to them in some way for each new day.

Otanjyobi Omedetoo Ojiichan. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Daddy Time

Today Blane had to go back to work. :( Sad face! It's been so nice to have him home and I've been dreading today for quite some time.
We've been a great team this past week, as we've maneuvered the waters of parenthood together. It's taken our relationship to a whole new level-what with midnight feedings, diaper changes and just hours and hours of staring at our son. I love being "Mom" to his "Dad" and I'm thankful for a husband who puts so much heart, care and effort into our little family.

For a guy who says he "doesn't like babies" I think he's fallen pretty hard for this little baby. What do you think? ;)

Back to staring~
Mommy A

Monday, September 10, 2012


Prepare yourself for an inundation of posts full of our son. Yes, I am going to be "one of those parents" in the upcoming weeks so please feel free to roll your eyes and read a different blog for awhile if you tire of knowing the happenings of our baby. It won't hurt me-I'm going to continue to blog my happy little heart out anyway! :)
Here's our little guy this afternoon post-bath all wrapped up in his bath towel. He did pretty well for his second time getting all cleaned up and he only fussed for a little bit. It's way easier to bathe a squirmy week and two day old baby with two people because one of you can hold and maneuver his little body while the other can wash and soap and rinse and all that good stuff.

I love how babies smell-so clean and fresh and just...yummy. 
Does your face look like Cole's when you get done bathing? :)

Happy Monday all,
Mommy A

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hello, World.

Cole James
7 pounds, 1 ounce
September 1, 2012

He changed my world. And I'm so glad he did :)

Happy tears!
Mommy A