Saturday, September 22, 2012

Paci Love

I am aware of the hotly contested debate between the pro-pacifier parents and the anti-pacifier parents. So, during my pregnancy, I read many, many books and online articles about the benefits and/or cons of the debated binky.

Would you believe that every single one of the best selling baby books and the most updated baby articles gave the pacifier a big thumbs up? Yup, and here are the reasons...
*It has been found to reduce the risk of SIDS in newborns
*It can be a great calming tool for newborns
*It can help improve sucking in newborns

The common denominator in all of these facts was "in newborns." Yes, there were some parameters. The first was not to give a baby a pacifier until after breastfeeding had been established. Okay, that made sense and it totally worked for Cole. The second was to do away with the pacifier by the fourth or fifth month so that your child does not get too attached to it. Apparently the fourth or fifth month is when memory sets in so getting rid of a pacifier after that time frame would be decidedly more difficult.
Cole is pretty calm and easy going. However, he does have his moments and this week we tested out the pacifier for the first time. The hospital recommended this Avent brand for newborns and Cole took to it pretty well. He doesn't suck it for very long nor does he absolutely have to have it. But it does provide some soothing relief for him when he's upset and for that we'll take it! :)

His face in this pic cracks me up because he was experiencing the paci for the first time. Mr. Crinkle face was cautious at first, but then happily sucked away for a bit right after the first minute or so.

Living and learning from our house to yours!
Mommy A

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