Today marks my dear Grandpa's 91st birthday. I am so blessed to have him in my life-how many 32 year olds do you know who still have their Grandpas to wish happy birthdays to? I am thankful that God has allowed me to have such a rich relationship with this special man.
My Grandpa is wise, kind and loving in his own way. He calls me every so often just to check in with me and see how I am doing. Sometimes he and Grandma will call me from their local Carrow's or Carl's Jr. as they are having dinner just to say hi and to tell me about the coffee and if it's good or not. Grandpa and I share a love of coffee :).
In high school I took Japanese and I continued the study of the language in college. A big inspiration for that was my Grandpa, who has always encouraged me in my Japanese. One of my great memories was when he and Grandma took my sister, cousins and I to Japan after college and we traveled from Tokyo up to Hokkaido. I loved seeing the country with Grandpa, especially because I am always so in awe of his ability to speak and read/write the language! It was a trip of a lifetime and a memory that I will cherish forever.
Grandpa spent many, many decades in ministry, preaching at churches and leading our conference. He is one of the most faithful people that I know and I carry his legacy with me as I try to be just as faithful in my own ministry with the youth. I asked him once how to handle things when ministry and people get frustrating and his response was so gracious, so very him. He said, "Christ is the head of the church Aimee. Trust that God is sovereign and that He is leading." So simple, yet so wise and so full of truth. That's my Grandpa :)
In every conversation that we have, Grandpa never ceases to remind me that he and Grandma are praying for me, for Blane and now for Cole, daily. It brings tears to my eyes because I know that they really are praying for us-and that they are supporting us in their own way. I pray for them as well, everyday, that God would bring peace and joy to them in some way for each new day.
Otanjyobi Omedetoo Ojiichan.
Beautiful <3