Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Daddy Time

Today Blane had to go back to work. :( Sad face! It's been so nice to have him home and I've been dreading today for quite some time.
We've been a great team this past week, as we've maneuvered the waters of parenthood together. It's taken our relationship to a whole new level-what with midnight feedings, diaper changes and just hours and hours of staring at our son. I love being "Mom" to his "Dad" and I'm thankful for a husband who puts so much heart, care and effort into our little family.

For a guy who says he "doesn't like babies" I think he's fallen pretty hard for this little baby. What do you think? ;)

Back to staring~
Mommy A

1 comment:

  1. i think the time has come...
