Tuesday, January 10, 2012

HBD Bil!

Today is my brother-in-law's birthday.
At first glance he is quiet, seemingly shy and definitely unassuming.
But after you get to know him you realize that he is witty, intelligent, and has a heart bigger than the Mississippi. 

Josh-like I said in my MOH speech at your wedding this year~there is no one greater whom I would've chosen to be my sister's partner, best friend, husband and love of her life. Thank you for always taking care of her. I am honored to be your SIL!

Now, move back home already :D

Happy Birthday!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

NZ Honeymoon: Downtown Queenstown

Welcome to Downtown Queenstown! The town is quaint, yet rich. It has character, yet it's clean and fresh too. Lots of local flair, but also full of standards like Louis Vuitton and Starbucks. It was the perfect mix of both and Blane and just fell in love with the place.
 We spent our first afternoon just meandering around the area, checking stores out and seeing places in person that we'd read about in our guidebooks. Queenstown is very walkable-in fact, it's somewhat more difficult to drive because some of the streets are so narrow-so not having a car that first day worked out just fine. Above is a super cool clothing store (left) that Blane really liked. On the right is the window display for Louis Vuitton. And yes, we walked in there too. Do you know my husband? Haha
 I don't know what type of store this was but it made me think of my sister :)
 The local Starbucks. I was really disappointed to find that they had nothing that was different from the Starbucks back in the States. Usually at Starbucks abroad, something is different-be it a mug or a type of sweet they offer to a different kind of drink or even a cool gift card! But sadly, New Zealand Starbuck's aren't really that plentiful and they might as well have been in California. Sad face :(
 I thought this was funny and if you know my love of caffeine, then you understand why I took this picture. :)
 Besides all the shops, there were randon grassy knolls throughout the town too. It was a beautiful day and people were just hanging out at spots like these.
 One of the reasons why Queenstown is so beautiful is because of its location-look at the backdrop!
 One of the first eating places we stopped at was Patagona Chocolates, located directly across from where our water taxi docked. They are known for their homemade chocolates and decadent hot chocolate. Instead of cheese boards they do chocolate boards and here's ours. We chose all dark chocolate, but they have milk chocolate too. We brought our leftovers back home with us and still have some in our fridge! Mmmm :)
 The one super-touristy thing that they have is a gondola that goes all the way up one of their biggest hills so that you can see the vista of the area. Since it was a clear and sunny day, we decided to check it out. Here I am with our tickets!
 On the way up was this thing (bottom left). Queenstown is known as the "birthplace of bungy" and people were bungy jumping off the mountain! Eeeek! If you look closely you can see a person flying through the air. No thank you. I think I'll pass!
 At the top the views were amazing. 
 You could mountain bike or luge back down the mountain, but we opted to just take the gondola back again. Adventure-seekers we were not that day :)
Next up, let's get to grubbin' shall we?

Kiwi out,
Mrs. S

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

NZ Honeymoon: En Route to Queenstown CBD

Now that the holidays are over let's finish up these honeymoon recaps shall we?!? We're almost done! Last city on the queue up and running!

So the Hilton is located about 15 minutes outside of downtown Queenstown. To get there, you either go by car (about 15 minutes) or you can take the water taxi that leaves every half an hour from the dock in front of the hotel (about 10 minutes). Of course we had to take the water taxi for our first foray into town. What fun!
 Here is Blane in front of the water taxi. How beautiful is the background? It was an awesome day.
 The duck that was waiting with us, haha.
 See how clear the water was? We could see straight to the bottom from where we stood on the dock!
 Off we go!
 We sped past our room (there is is on the left!) as we took off and we took a quick pic.
 The sky was so blue and clear...it was a lovely day to be out on the water.
 Shortly after we left the Hilton, we saw the beginning of our destination: the town of Queenstown! Everything looked so quaint and full of character. I was excited to explore this place.
Here is the dock where the water taxi dropped us off. We were hungry and I had a whole guidebook of dogeared pages of places to try. Where did we go next?

Stay tuned!

Be back straightaway,
Mrs. S

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Akemashite Omedetoo!

Well, the holidays came and went. Thought I'd share a few of the pics that I took on Christmas. Blane and I woke up Christmas morning and shared stockings with eachother. It was a special time to spend with my new husband :). Then we went to church where it just felt right to be praising God on the day that we celebrate His Son's birth. 
We had lunch at Blane's parent's house with his side of the family where I received my first gift from Remington and Riley, the family kitties :). Blane caught the Miami game (Welcome back NBA -___- Haha) while we opened gifts and hung out with his parents and brother. I enjoy being a part of my new family and I am blessed that they have accepted me as such too. 
Later in the afternoon Blane and I headed over to my parent's house where we had our annual gift opening tradition together. Every year my Dad reads the Christmas story out of Luke and we sing a carol or two and pray together before opening gifts. This year was the first year that Josh and Blane were there and it made it that much more special :). I'm glad we made the effort to continue the tradition despite having to push it back a few hours. Then the fun began, family and people from church began arriving and we had Christmas dinner, followed by fellowship, dessert and games. It was good times! 

I hope that your Christmas celebration was as rich as mine was. I love Christmas! 
Unfortunately, January has come full swing and with it the Christmas decorations have come down, the tree untrimmed and taken out. Sad face! Haha. It's nice to have a clean house though-my dear Blane spent six plus hours cleaning the house last Friday afternoon and it looks great! Thanks Love :)

Happy New Year to you and yours.
Here's to all that God is going to do in 2012!


*"Akemashite Omedetoo" is Japanese for "Happy New Year"