After sharing yesterday's news I was inundated with love and support from those nearest and dearest. I'm not one to shout "I need you" from the rooftops or anything, but let me tell you, it felt so wonderful to know that there are so many in my life who care about me and what goes on 'round here.
The crazy angry: My Mother, bless her heart. She flew over to my house immediately after school was out to "check on her baby." I was scolded for not calling her when I was on my way to Urgent Care because she would have "left school to come with me." She stayed with me all afternoon and then went to get dinner and dessert with Dad for me and Blane later too. Gotta love the fierceness of Motherly love! Below is the dinner and dessert that Mom+Dad went and got.
The "I'm-holding-myself-back-and-staying-calm-but-am-really-concerned-and-doing-all-I-can-from-700-miles-away" googler: My dear sister. I casually texted her that I was going in to Urgent Care just so that someone would know where I was just in case and she immediately called me while I was in the Doctor's office. I texted her what the diagnosis was and by the time I called her back 10 minutes later, Bub had already googled and read up on everything Bell's Palsy. She was with me, without physically being with me, every step of the day and for that I am grateful. I called her before going to the pharmacist, after I called my OB-GYN, when Mom was with me, etc., etc. 700 miles ain't got nothin' on us! Thanks for holding my hand dear Bub.
The silent protector: Dad. Mom called him as she was probably breaking a thousand traffic rules flying over to my house and about an hour later I got a "how ya doing?" phone call. So Dad :). He later came by to pray for me and the baby (love) and then did the dinner thing with Mom. I could tell he was reluctant to leave because he hugged me for a good five minutes before he left. This morning I woke up to a text from him asking how I was doing. Once a Dad, always a Dad I suppose!
My dear hubby: Blane. I knew he was worried yesterday when I would call him with an update and amidst all the chaos of his work in the background he'd take a minute to listen to what I was saying and then tell me to call him back immediately with what was happening next. Last night he came home and looked at me and said, "oh man" at least five times. He was so worried about me. I could tell that it was driving him nuts that he couldn't just "fix it." By the time we went to bed at our grandmotherly 10:30 bedtime, he had asked me "if I was okay" at least 50 times :). Before we went to bed he prayed for healing for me and protection for the baby. He even sleep talked a "you okay babe" in his sleep last night! Just now, the doorbell rang and I heard him say, "it's Blane!" and when I answered it he was standing there with a big bag of freesia and some eyedrops (they are recommended because my left eye won't blink). His boss heard what happened and let him leave work for a bit to check on me. I'm one loved girl I tell you. :)
For my wonderful friends who texted me...Leah (first one out the gate after my blog post-the girl sent me four texts in a row :), Meliss (lemme know if you need anything), Josh ("we are praying for you"), Court (who read up on fast twitch fibers and calcium needs just to help me understand what was going on :), Quiddie ("you're probably sleeping right now..." her 12:41am text haha), Kev (who offered to pick anything up for me-even "fem products" as if I need those right now! AHAHA), and Linda (always praying that one).
"Your love has given me great joy and encouragement."
Philemon 1:7
Thankful for each one of you <3
You are SO loved, Aim. Have a safe trip and looking forward to seeing you upon your return! With all the love in the world, near or far, XOXO! :)