Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hello Bell's Palsy

Earlier this week I noticed that there was a spot on my head behind my ear that was extra sensitive. It began to throb a bit and I spent the past couple of nights gently massaging it. Then yesterday my left eye started twitching for no apparent reason, and it kept at it throughout the day.

This morning I woke up and my right eye was shut and it was difficult for me to open it. Weird. Then I sat down to eat some cereal for breakfast and milk kept dribbling out of the left side of my mouth. I noticed that I was chewing funny and that my lips favored my right side. The real kicker was when I looked in the mirror and I tried to smile-only the right side of my mouth would curve upwards, while the left side stayed down, no movement. Something was amiss.

So I took myself to Urgent Care. There, the doctor tested my motor skills and everything is in fine working order except for my darn face, specifically the left side. I was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy, which pretty much means that I have swelling in the back left side of my head that is causing damage to my facial nerve. Wonderful.

My second opinion aka my sister+google :) said that Bell's Palsy is three times more likely to occur in pregnant women, but usually in the third trimester. The doctor today prescribed me a mild steroid to take to reduce the swelling, thereby taking the pressure off the facial nerve. I am having doubts about whether or not to take the medication because I am worried about it affecting the baby. I haven't taken anything-not even a tylenol-during this pregnancy and steroids sound 100x more powerful than some over-the-counter pain medication. I have put a call in to my OB-GYN to see what her opinion is on the matter. In the meantime, will you join me in covering this whole thing in prayer? It would be much appreciated :).

And if you see me in the next couple of days and I give you a half-hearted looking smile, don't take it personally. It's the Bell's Palsy look my dears ;)



  1. Aim! Praying for you girlie! Love you lots and praying for quick recovery! XOXO

  2. I cant get you to blog your entire first trimester but this is okay? :)

    Covering you and this baby in his safety and care.

    Be there soon.
