Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hello Guys

Meet Remington (back right) and Riley. These are Blane's parent's kitties and we are taking care of them this week. Yesterday when J and I went over there to check on them we opened the door and found them sitting right inside waiting like this for us. I think they are lonely and miss my father-in-law, who dotes on them daily. :)

I'm not a cat lover, but I have a special place in my heart for these two. Over the years I've come to like them-I mean, they are part of the family! I've been told that pregnant women should not handle kitty litter (whoo-hoo! haha) so B's on poop duty while I just say hi, make sure they have food and water and a treat or two.

J and I left yesterday furrier (is that a word?) but convinced that Rem and Riles would be fine for the night. They're like our babies for the week! Hahaha


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Mid-week Hello

Last night I got a text around 10pm from this guy asking if Blane and I were home and if he could stop by with his friend because he was "in the neighborhood." Noah is our youngest cousin on my Dad's side and to me he's really more like the little brother that I never had because he's essentially grown up with J and I. We go to church together and more recently, he's been serving with me in the youth program. I love seeing him on a weekly basis and last night was neat because it was an unexpected mid-week visit!

It doesn't happen very often, but I really do love it when friends and family drop in to say hi. I'm a family person and it means a lot when those I love take the time to stop in and say "hey." 

Thanks for dropping in No! We love you :D

P.S. This pic was taken a couple of summers ago when No's hair was long and curly, we were all a bit more tan and my face was in good working order, obviously ;).

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Sprinkling of Fun

Over the long weekend B and I got to spend some good quality time together. We had a fun dinner Friday night with friends, cleaned our house, went grocery shopping, hosted a Memorial Sunday get together for both sides of our families, B played golf, we enjoyed the weather and the Heat won the first round in the Eastern Conference Finals. Couldn't have been better ;)

One new thing we tried was Sprinkles Ice Cream. Sprinkles is famous round these parts for their gourmet cupcakes. A week or so ago, they opened an ice cream shop next door to their cupcake bakery in Beverly Hills. I'm not one to "hop on the bandwagon" but something about the ice cream shop intrigued me and so Blane and I meandered over there this past weekend. 
Fortunately, the line wasn't too bad (we waited about 15 minutes or so) and we found parking right in front (no small feat in Beverly Hills) so hopefully this was going to be good :). They had ten or so flavors featured and after trying two each (the limit) we went with coffee (B) and dark chocolate (me). I'm pretty sure their "signature flavor" is the red velvet but somehow the chocolate called my name today. I'd say the majority of people had the red velvet in their special "red velvet waffle cone" to boot so if I ever go back, then I'll have to try that.
The one big downfall is the price-we didn't get anything fancy (just one scoop each, no toppings) and it was $7. Can you tell from the pic below how teeny-weeny the scoops were too?!? Not cool Sprinkles :( Ya'll make Baskin Robbins look like a deal!
Of course, I couldn't pass up a chance to peek into the cupcake shop next door to see what flavors they were featuring and one-Key Lime Pie-caught my eye. I used the "I'm pregnant" excuse and snapped one up to bring home for later :).
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend as well. Here's to a great week!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

Nursery 1.3

Nursery big item #3 has arrived!!!

Yesterday, J and I were home to welcome our newest (and last big purchase) item to the nursery. Drumroll please...
Welcome to our glider chair! It looks exactly like this picture (because I chose the all white slipcover) so what you're seeing is what we got. The scale of it is humongous. It's the biggest item in the room now, easily. J and I laughed but we both agreed that it's also going to be one of the most used and therefore, the "bigness" of it is a necessity since it is so comfortable.
Here it is in our nursery! (excuse the wrinkled slipcovers-J and I quickly remedied that issue with our handy dandy steamer) I'm not sure if you can tell how huge it is from this shot, but I invite you to come over and see it for yourself...maybe curl up in it for a nap or to read a good book. Mmmm....sounds delicious doesn't it? :)

Now on to the final touches, a tweak or two and some little details. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Whaddup peeps. Just some iPhone photo fun for you today. Had dinner with this one and Bub last night at home. It was nice to just catch up and eat together, just the three of us. Then, they forced me to clean my kitchen. One big trash bag and three recyclable bags later, it's looking a lot more bare and a lot more clean. Thanks guys :).

Happy Wednesday to you all.
Mad love,

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Special Anniversary!

Today, a special HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY shout out to my beloved sister and her equally beloved husband~
To Josh&J,
What a ride this past year has been and how faithful God has been to the both of you through it all! I have seen you come against and overcome struggles, laugh and embrace life together and handle all of life's little surprises with grace and humbleness. Your match was truly a "match made in heaven" and I don't think we needed the example of this past year to prove that! ;) I love you both and I feel honored to be able to call you family. Here's to the many more dips, turns and twists that God has in store for the both of you...may He be ever present through it all and may you both grow stronger because of His and your love for one another. 

Happy Anniversary!

Much love,

Monday, May 21, 2012

"Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing to the Lord a song!"

Remember last week how I was lamenting my little situation and how I shared that its been frustrating to not really be able to worship like I normally do? Well I was totally blessed this week at youth group when a few of the guys who are in high school lead our group in true authentic worship. I sang my heart out with my half working mouth and irritated ear...the Holy Spirit was so thick in our Sanctuary and it. was. amazing.

I was reminded that God doesn't care how good you sound, or even how loud you can sing. It's totally and completely 100% about your heart. 

Thanks guys, for leading my heart in worship this past weekend. What a blessing it was!


Friday, May 18, 2012

Nursery 1.2

An exciting addition to the nursery arrived this week! I was on the hunt for a dark blue dresser after seeing an inspiration board on one of the baby websites awhile back. Then, my in-laws graciously offered to buy us one and the hunt began.

My criteria for the nursery dresser was that it not be specifically a changing table, that it have the capability to grow with our son, and finally that it be well made so that it would last for a long time. I'm envisioning him using this dresser well into his adult years. Hey, a girl can hope right?!?
This is the Camp Dresser from Pottery Barn Kids. It is sturdy, extremely well made, and I love the color! Since most everything else in our house is neutral (or as my sister says, "blah") I wanted something that would pop a little bit in the baby's room. We saved some money when the PBKids sales lady dismissed the changing pad wood holder and gave us a tip that attaching velcro straps to the underside of our changing pad would affix it firmly to the top of the dresser just fine. Awesome. Thank you sales lady.

We are trying not to go overboard with the baby stuff. I know of people who had one, sometimes two or three of everything for their kids and their homes just become crazy baby messes. So Blane and I decided that we're only making three "bigger purchases." Each of these purchases must be useful past the baby stage, save for the crib which we got for a steal so I was okay with that. Two of our three largest purchases are now officially here and I'm getting excited to finish this room up. Crib-check, Dresser-check...still awaiting the third but I'll keep you posted on that one. :)

25 weeks and counting!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Meet Duncan.

Blane has a new best friend, literally, on our block. He's cool, respectful and he loves to hang out with Blane. The past week or so especially, I've found him a couple of times at our front door waiting for my dear husband to be home. Meet Duncan~
Duncan isn't ours, he actually belongs to our neighbor, but somehow he and Blane have struck up a relationship and now he comes to visit a few times a week. Him and Blane have a routine now. Duncan "knocks" (meows at the door), Blane lets him in and they both go into our garage to "hang out." No cats in the house, but the garage is our exception :). Here they are just hanging out the other day in the garage. Didn't think I was serious when I said that they hang out? Haha. Check it out...
Until then though, Duncan to the rescue! Thanks Dunc, for "hanging out" with my hubby. See you soon!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Little Needles

One of the things that I've been trying out this past week in an effort to get this Bell's thing under control is acupuncture. I've heard from more than a few people that this has helped with Bell's and I'm willing to try anything that will help. :)

So last Saturday, Blane and J came with me to check out a local acupuncturist, Dr. Lin. My Mother-in-law actually has been to her and given her a thumbs up and so we went to see what she could do. I knew it would be fobby, but I wasn't prepared for the rush of incense that wafted our way after we opened the door. There were the customary jade buddhas and clangy bells that hung on the door. Chinese writing decorated the walls. Welcome to another world!
Dr. Lin was really very nice. Blane and J found out that she speaks not one, two or three, but four languages rather fluently. Impressive! She looked at my face and was concerned but told me that "she could fix it." Great. Let's get this show on the road!

I've never had acupuncture before and didn't know what to expect. She took me to a small room where she had my lie on my back. She then proceeded to cleanse different spots on my body with rubbing alcohol and after doing that, she casually inserted the acupuncture needles where she had cleansed. One on each foot, one on each hand, and about 20 or so on my face. All symmetrical save for the sole needle that she placed in the middle at the top of my head. The needles are tiny (thank goodness) and even though I closed my eyes for the insertion part, I could feel each one as she gently poked them in. I can't say that it didn't hurt, but it wasn't as bad as I'd imagined it to be, so I was thankful for that.

She then placed to heat lamps by each side of my face and she turned the lights off and told me that she would be back in 45 minutes and to "try and relax." Right. I've got 20 something needles sticking out of my and you want me to relax?!? But I did my best. 

I lay there for what seemed like an eternity before she came back in, took the needles out and then proceeded to massage my face. OHMYGOODNESS it hurt so bad on my left side! I must have grimaced because she asked me if it hurt and I squeaked out a "a little." (hugest understatement of my life hah) She then told me not to eat or drink anything cold. She even said to brush my teeth with warm water because the cold is bad for the Bell's. Got it. Lukewarm all the way baby.

I went back yesterday for my second treatment (thanks for coming Mom!) and it actually hurt worse than the first session. She concentrated the needles around my mouth (like cat whiskers) and it's just super sensitive there right now. The massage portion hurt less though so I was thankful for that. Dr. Lin has said that seven or so treatments should do the trick. I'm hopeful. Two down, five to go. The countdown to a symmetrical face begins!

(thank you in Chinese ;)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Truth Time

After the Bell's diagnosis, I've really been trying to keep a positive outlook on everything. I'm not one to want the entire world to revolve around me, and I don't think that my issue(s) should be thrown onto the shoulders of those around me, especially those I love. So I've really put an effort into keeping my attitude good. 

Well, sometimes you just can't be "good" all the time. The truth is I'm frustrated, scared, I look funny and my face hurts. I try to sing during worship at church and youth group and I can't because the left side of my mouth won't move and my left ear is super sensitive to sound and I have to hold it so this piercing ringing sensation will stop. I went walking yesterday and tried to return a smile at the random lady jogging past me and I couldn't do it because I've temporarily lost the ability to smile. I have to take out my contacts or not wear them at all because my left eye doesn't blink and they dry up easily. My face gets tired and it just hurts most days. 

I've honestly been good for the most part, but there are moments, like right now, where I just want to cry. I just want it to be over. I want to be back to my normal self again. 

God's promise to me (and to you!) is that in my weakness, HE IS STRONG. I am clinging to this promise for this little season in my life. It's all I know to do. And I know that if I am faithful to Him, that He will bring light to my little situation. Thank you Jesus.

So, sorry for "throwing this onto your shoulders" today. But it was truth time, and sometimes, you just gotta be real people. :) Thanks for praying <3


Friday, May 4, 2012

And the Troops Pour In

After sharing yesterday's news I was inundated with love and support from those nearest and dearest. I'm not one to shout "I need you" from the rooftops or anything, but let me tell you, it felt so wonderful to know that there are so many in my life who care about me and what goes on 'round here.

The crazy angry: My Mother, bless her heart. She flew over to my house immediately after school was out to "check on her baby." I was scolded for not calling her when I was on my way to Urgent Care because she would have "left school to come with me." She stayed with me all afternoon and then went to get dinner and dessert with Dad for me and Blane later too. Gotta love the fierceness of Motherly love! Below is the dinner and dessert that Mom+Dad went and got.
The "I'm-holding-myself-back-and-staying-calm-but-am-really-concerned-and-doing-all-I-can-from-700-miles-away" googler: My dear sister. I casually texted her that I was going in to Urgent Care just so that someone would know where I was just in case and she immediately called me while I was in the Doctor's office. I texted her what the diagnosis was and by the time I called her back 10 minutes later, Bub had already googled and read up on everything Bell's Palsy. She was with me, without physically being with me, every step of the day and for that I am grateful. I called her before going to the pharmacist, after I called my OB-GYN, when Mom was with me, etc., etc. 700 miles ain't got nothin' on us! Thanks for holding my hand dear Bub.

The silent protector: Dad. Mom called him as she was probably breaking a thousand traffic rules flying over to my house and about an hour later I got a "how ya doing?" phone call. So Dad :). He later came by to pray for me and the baby (love) and then did the dinner thing with Mom. I could tell he was reluctant to leave because he hugged me for a good five minutes before he left. This morning I woke up to a text from him asking how I was doing. Once a Dad, always a Dad I suppose!

My dear hubby: Blane. I knew he was worried yesterday when I would call him with an update and amidst all the chaos of his work in the background he'd take a minute to listen to what I was saying and then tell me to call him back immediately with what was happening next. Last night he came home and looked at me and said, "oh man" at least five times. He was so worried about me. I could tell that it was driving him nuts that he couldn't just "fix it." By the time we went to bed at our grandmotherly 10:30 bedtime, he had asked me "if I was okay" at least 50 times :). Before we went to bed he prayed for healing for me and protection for the baby. He even sleep talked a "you okay babe" in his sleep last night! Just now, the doorbell rang and I heard him say, "it's Blane!" and when I answered it he was standing there with a big bag of freesia and some eyedrops (they are recommended because my left eye won't blink). His boss heard what happened and let him leave work for a bit to check on me. I'm one loved girl I tell you. :)
For my wonderful friends who texted me...Leah (first one out the gate after my blog post-the girl sent me four texts in a row :), Meliss (lemme know if you need anything), Josh ("we are praying for you"), Court (who read up on fast twitch fibers and calcium needs just to help me understand what was going on :), Quiddie ("you're probably sleeping right now..." her 12:41am text haha), Kev (who offered to pick anything up for me-even "fem products" as if I need those right now! AHAHA), and Linda (always praying that one).

"Your love has given me great joy and encouragement." 
Philemon 1:7

Thankful for each one of you <3

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hello Bell's Palsy

Earlier this week I noticed that there was a spot on my head behind my ear that was extra sensitive. It began to throb a bit and I spent the past couple of nights gently massaging it. Then yesterday my left eye started twitching for no apparent reason, and it kept at it throughout the day.

This morning I woke up and my right eye was shut and it was difficult for me to open it. Weird. Then I sat down to eat some cereal for breakfast and milk kept dribbling out of the left side of my mouth. I noticed that I was chewing funny and that my lips favored my right side. The real kicker was when I looked in the mirror and I tried to smile-only the right side of my mouth would curve upwards, while the left side stayed down, no movement. Something was amiss.

So I took myself to Urgent Care. There, the doctor tested my motor skills and everything is in fine working order except for my darn face, specifically the left side. I was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy, which pretty much means that I have swelling in the back left side of my head that is causing damage to my facial nerve. Wonderful.

My second opinion aka my sister+google :) said that Bell's Palsy is three times more likely to occur in pregnant women, but usually in the third trimester. The doctor today prescribed me a mild steroid to take to reduce the swelling, thereby taking the pressure off the facial nerve. I am having doubts about whether or not to take the medication because I am worried about it affecting the baby. I haven't taken anything-not even a tylenol-during this pregnancy and steroids sound 100x more powerful than some over-the-counter pain medication. I have put a call in to my OB-GYN to see what her opinion is on the matter. In the meantime, will you join me in covering this whole thing in prayer? It would be much appreciated :).

And if you see me in the next couple of days and I give you a half-hearted looking smile, don't take it personally. It's the Bell's Palsy look my dears ;)


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Zutano Blue for Target

My Mom and I think it's tough to find cute baby boy clothes. We were in Nordstrom the other day and literally like 3/4ths of the baby section was full of super cute girl clothes while the boy section was relegated to one measly table. The stuff on there wasn't even that cute! C'mon Nordstrom, you can do better than that!

Anything that I've seen that is remotely cute is $$$$ (cue sigh-my innate ability to pick the most expensive item in the room follows me still -__-) and it's kinda frustrating. Where is all the cheap cute boy stuff?!? And I don't mean junk with monkeys and crud on it either. EWWWW.

Target to the rescue!!! (again)
Target recently launched the Zutano Blue for Target line that features nursery bedding and baby clothes. Whoo-peeee! I wish it was a bigger selection, but at least they have some cute guy stuff for a great price. Target FTW once again.

Check it out~

You can see the whole collection here.
Keep 'em coming Target!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Nursery 1.0

This big box was delivered to our door last week and it sat in our garage until this past weekend. I was excited when I woke up on Saturday morning because it was on our agenda to tackle putting this sucker together.
 After researching tons of different cribs, I finally settled on the Modena Crib from (of all places! haha) because it had really great reviews AND it was under $200. No small feat in the baby furniture world. Take that Pottery Barn and your $1K cribs!
 B and I didn't know what craziness awaited us, but to our surprise, it wasn't that complicated to put together. Above are my instructions and all the hardware, nicely laid out. I'm not OCD, but when I follow directions, I am :D.
A short while later we had this. Ta-Da!!! And I love it. It's simple but sturdy and I love the cool grey color. There are a few scratches on the top corners but it's nothing to go crazy about and for about $200 I can't complain. Walmart, you've got yourself a new believer! Another added bonus about Walmart is that they shipped this entire box for 97 cents. That's right. Can you believe it? AND it arrived in seven days...not seven business days, but seven days straight. Gotta love that kind of customer service. 
Kudos Walmart!

One crib down, a million (or so) things to go. 
Keep ya'll posted ;)