Wednesday, November 16, 2011

NZ Honeymoon: Auckland

Honeymoon Destination #1: Auckland, North Island

Some quick New Zealand facts: 4.3 million people live here, with 1.4 million of those in the city of Auckland on the North Island, which was our first stop. New Zealand is comprised of two islands, lovingly referred to by the local Kiwis as "Northland" and "Southland." In comparison, the United States has 317.6 million people with Los Angeles comprised of almost 3.8 million alone! So it's a really small country compared to what we're used to.

That being said, our first stop of Auckland, North Island was not really that different than being at home. Auckland is New Zealand's largest city and it is the epicenter of all the businesses in the country. It was prettier than L.A., but still a city with lots of tall buildings and suited people. Of all the places we visited, this was our least favorite place. It was nice to kick jet-lag here for a couple of days though, and we still had a good time adjusting to New Zealand here together. 
 This is the view from our room. Blane got us upgraded to a suite with a view and I loved being able to see Auckland's skyline from our room.
There was a park across the street and these pics make it look like a piece out of New York City and its Central Park! Kinda a neat comparison considering that we got engaged there last year :).
Just some cool buildings in the city. We didn't have a rental car for the four days that we stayed in Auckland and we walked A LOT. I think it was a bit much for Blane, but I think it was good for us because we ate so much that we would have gained tons of weight had we not been walking! Haha.
These two pics are from our first meal in Auckland. I decided that I was going to order as if I liked every type of food to see if I might find something new for the palate-to some that might not be adventurous, but for me it was! It was fun, and it helped me have a wide-variety of food stories to share by the end of our trip! The above is a chicken and cheese whole wheat crepe with a cracked egg on top. It was different, but it was actually really good.
Blane opted for the bruschetta at a shop next door. For those of you who know him, you know that he loves tomatoes and bruschetta is right up there with some of his favorite foods of all time. Needless to say, he thoroughly enjoyed this meal!
The caffeine options in New Zealand were to-die-for. Seriously. They don't do drip coffee, so if we wanted black "coffee" then we had to order Americanos. The mocha lattes that Blane ordered everywhere were absolutely delicious. They all used this powdery mocha that they garnished the top of the drink with and they were all so darn good! We must have drank our weight in mochas and "trim lattes" (their word for "non-fat milk") Soooooooo yummy!
I know this picture is fuzzy, but I had to post it because this ice cream was so delicious. It's actually swiss-made, but it was recommended by our nifty guidebook so we gave it a go-Movenpick for the win!
 We ate lots of other stuff in Auckland, but it wasn't as exciting as some of our other destinations, so I'll save more food pics for later ;). 

Next up: A day on Ponsonby!


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