Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Calming Mechanisms

Cole is a pretty easy going baby. However, when he does get in his little funks, we have a few coping mechanisms to calm the kiddo down. It's amazing how well they work too!
 First up is his carseat. Little guy loves him some movement so putting him in his infant carrier is almost a guaranteed crier-stopper. He calms just being placed in this thing because he knows that means that he's either getting in the stroller or in the car, both of which he loves. Keep it moving though! Otherwise, this mechanism will not work. Haha
The second mechanism is the vacuum cleaner, which we've now deemed "gold." Here is Blane the other night simultaneously stimulating Cole's brain with his black and white mobile and vacuuming at the same time. If Cole is crying, he will quiet immediately at the sound of the vacuum. Amazing.

I've heard similar stories from parents about washing machines and dryers, lawn mowers and hair dryers too. We have a little white noise machine that we sometimes use as well and he likes that also, just not as much as the vacuum cleaner :).

Have a great fall week all! We'll be busy here, "cleaning" away with our beloved vacuum. Well, at least our floors will be anyway ;)


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