Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend Recap

This past weekend marked the beginning of my husband's favorite time of year. No, it's not Christmas people-it's NBA Basketball Playoff time. Below is my living room last Saturday afternoon right before the Miami Heat played the New York Knicks in the first round of playoffs. And no, we don't normally have a jersey hanging off the window treatments by the television. Blane kindly informed me that his jersey would be hanging in our living room for the duration of the playoffs. Lucky girl I am xD Haha
 Later that same afternoon the Mr. went off to play golf with his boss while I had lunch with my parents. Here my Mom is "waving" at my sister for whom this picture was intended. The manager at our local diner, Nichols, is a Southern boy from Dallas and my Mom has made it her mission to see that he gets plugged into a church and that he has a faith. Gotta admire the tenacity of my Mother. Her faith and heart know no bounds. She introduced my Dad to said Southern boy at lunch and made sure that he knew, again, what time our services were on Sundays. She also didn't hesitate to ask him if he had a girlfriend. My Mother knows no bounds in this area as well ;)
 After lunch I got to hang out with one of my High Schoolers, Ash. We went to get yogurt and hers had this topping on it that looked eerily like fresh roe (fish eggs) that you'd get at a sushi bar. Apparently these are fruit flavored and yummy (her words). I can't seem to pop one into my mouth. :) We had a good time chatting and it was nice to spend some one-on-one time with her. 
Saturday night was a rare night without youth group for B and I so he made good on being a great husband and he took me out for dinner. Yay! Love date nights with him. I am especially cherishing these moments as baby boy's due date nears since I know they will be few and far between once he arrives. We ate at the Fresh Corn Grill in Westwood. So good. I highly recommend the cute little place.
Sunday was eventful as B and I attended both services at church. Mom shared her testimony and we wanted to be there to support her. Our church is launching this amazing program called Celebrate Recovery and Mom's testimony was the last in a series that we've been hearing over the past six weeks. If you know my Mom, you know that she is passionate, loving, friendly and courageous to name a few. She showed immense courage and strength Sunday as she stood in front of both congregations to share of her life and how God has brought her through. I encourage you to listen to the message here if you'd like. Mom's testimony is towards the end :).

How was your weekend? B and I wrapped up the weekend spending time with family and we were both exhausted by the time we crawled into bed at 11pm. I know-crazy party animals that we are!

Have a great week kids ;)

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