Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Today, a Look Back

Every year for every birthday, my Dad always makes our family (and whoever also happens to be apart of the celebration) go around and share something about the birthday person. In return, the birthday person shares what their top highlights were from the past year of their life. In honor of that, here are mine today, on my 32nd birthday!

#1. Wedding planning with my sister. 
Seriously, if you ever are getting married, I highly recommend going through the planning process with someone who not only loves you, but totally gets you too. It was unplanned, but completely a bonus that my sister and I got to plan our weddings together this year. It made all the wedding frenzy that much more fun and I loved every minute of it.
 #2. Being in J's wedding party.
I had such a great time being a part of J's wedding. Everything from being asked last Christmas to planning the shower, to the bachelorette to the panty party to sleeping in our apartment the night before the wedding together...being in her wedding was an honor and a blast for me.
 #3. Seeing the fam twice in one year. 
J and I were so blessed that our Aunties, Uncle and our Gram on our Mom's side made it a point to be at both of our weddings. We know that it cost a lot for them to come twice in a matter of just six months, but they gladly did it. Having them around always makes things more fun and although they aren't close by physically, J and I both feel close to all of them in our hearts. 
#4. My best friend's 30th.
Meliss is my oldest friend and every year J and I have fun celebrating her birthday in a big way. This year she turned 30 and in honor of that I made the biggest celebratory cake ever! Haha. It actually wasn't planned-but it just turned out that way. We had a memorable evening with all of Meliss' favorite people at her parent's house. I enjoy seeing her so happy :).
#5. Serving with these people at camp.
I have directed one of the youth programs at camp every year for the past six years and this year was extra special because it was the first year that the majority of the directors were my age/generation. Our meetings were fun, it was inspiring to hear each person's vision and new ideas for their respective programs and camp, I believe, was one of the best its ever been.
 #6. Buying our first home.
Blane and I were blessed to be able to purchase our first home this year. I can't tell you how much I enjoy making our house a home. It is my sanctuary and I love being here. I love decorating, cooking, even cleaning (I know, stop your gasping now ;) and I've become quite the domestic housekeeper. It's been fun finding furniture that fits too and bit by bit it's coming together. 
#7. Our Wedding, duh.
Blane and I had the most perfect wedding ever. I mean seriously, we could not have asked for more. The day was filled with so much love, faith, our friends and family and the best wedding party that a bride and groom could ask for. If I could relive that day, I would, again and again. It was one of the best days of my life and at the end of it all I was married to my best friend. It doesn't get any better than that. :)
#8. Our Honeymoon in New Zealand.
If you've been reading my recaps, you know that we had an incredible time on our honeymoon. Blane is ready to go back at the drop of a hat, that's how much fun he had and how great he thought the country was. The best part was having two whole weeks with no responsibility other than to have a great time together exploring a new country. It was a blast and definitely a highlight of this year.
#9. Family.
It's no secret that I love my family but this year my family expanded. I married into Blane's family and they have wholeheartedly accepted me and made me a part of their inner circle, complete with my own Christmas stocking on the mantle and my name on the annual Christmas card. I am thankful for amazing in-laws and for my own parents who continue to show me what real love and faith is all about.
These have been the biggest blessings of my 31st year. I am looking forward to seeing what God has next up his sleeve for me, for Blane and for our life together. 

I want to give a special shout out to Blane, Bub, Josh, Mom & Dad, Mom & Dad, Meliss, Quid, Dawn, Jdawg, Blake, Pat, Derek, Aunties Ruth, Jo & Trish, Gram, Grandma & Grandpa, Uncle Mark, No, Court, Syd (and the rest of the H Family), Linda, John & Celia, Den, Le, Lala and Erika. Each of YOU contributed to my life throughout this past year in some way and I am so grateful. I am a better person because of each of you!

Wrinkle cream and achy bones, here I come ;)

1 comment:

  1. This was so beautiful. What a wonderful year.

    As you know, I love you more than I can express. Your inner and outer beauty is truly amazing. Happy Birthday sister!
