Oooh the smell of Christmas is in the air! How are all of you doing with your shopping and wrapping and tree decorating? Last night I was up way past my usual bedtime wrapping gifts as the little one and his Dad were snoring away ;). Such fun!
This weekend is a full one for us. I'm looking forward to spending too much time with family (is there even such a thing?), to celebrating my Mom's birthday, for Christmas Sunday service and our annual family get together on my Dad's side. It's jam-packed with all of the best things this weekend! I love it. And Mr. Chubs here is going along for the ride!
"And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare His ways; to give to His people the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, with which the Sunrise from on high will visit us, to shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace."
Luke 1:76-79
Can you imagine the greatness of this blessing that was given to John the Baptist? He was born to Mary's cousin Elizabeth shortly before Jesus' birth. I was reading this passage today and my heart was reminded, yet again, that this is our true gift this go and share Jesus with this hurting world. Seems especially poignant now, as we remember the horrific events in Newtown a week ago today, God rest their precious souls.
I hope you have a rich Christmas weekend full of everything good in this world. Remember for Whom we are living and to Whom we serve. God Bless you!