As we all know, the northern area of Japan was hit by a major earthquake+tsunami back in April of this year. The world watched with sadness and horror as destruction and chaos erupted throughout that part of the country. How can we forget images like these~
People sprung into action-monies were collected, supplies sent, teams of people flew to Japan to help the country in one of its greatest times of need.
Our own church conference sent multiple teams throughout the summer to help in Japan. Many of my youth purchased products like wristbands and t-shirts that supported the relief effort as well.
Last night I was having a lovely dinner with Pap and Big Fun and they both mentioned that they'd seen this article in the LA Times last week on Japan. Here's a smidgen:
I remember when I was in Middle School the LA Riots broke out and we got to stay home from school for a week. People went crazy and were stealing things from stores, fighting for no reason...basically our city became a hot mess full of insane people.
And here we see Japan, a country that has way more of a reason to be a "hot mess" than us Angelenos did and look what they do with it. $78 million salvaged from the wreckage that has been returned to the police! And not only that, but the majority of the people who return the money have waived their right to claim it...even if it never gets claimed. It's stunning, heart-warming and incredible all at the same time.
Big Fun mentioned a good point last night-she said that it was sad that the value and honesty of a Buddhist nation like Japan was above and beyond the moral value and honesty of a Christian nation such as America is. I encountered a similar thought when I traveled to Indonesia after college. Indonesia is majority Muslim by religion. The people whom I encountered were so devout about their faith-they knew the Koran, they prayed five times a day without fault, they gave great value to their mosques and places of worship. I remember thinking that we as Christians would be better to take some lessons from the Muslims in Indonesia in how well they own their faith.
So, a lesson from Japan today. Yes, the country has many dark areas, but in this one they shine.
Be honest, more selfless, and giving and less narcissistic, greedy and self-absorbed.
I know I will try to be ;)